Response and Activity Statistics

In general, of the Total emergency responses, approximately 70-80% are for medical assistance.


Fiscal Year 2019-20


Structure Fires: 34
Other Fires: 55
EMS/Rescue: 2458
Hazardous Conditions: 73
Service Calls: 344
Good Intent: 146
False Call: 333
Cancelled Enroute: 255
Total Calls: 3698

San Leandro

Structure Fires: 131
Other Fires: 176
EMS/Rescue: 7004
Hazardous Conditions: 177
Service Calls: 869
Good Intent: 593
False Call: 519

Cancelled Enroute: 759
Total Calls: 10228
Unincorporated Alameda County

Structure Fires: 203
Other Fires: 315
EMS/Rescue: 11697
Hazardous Conditions: 286
Service Calls: 1082
Good Intent: 949
False Call: 636

Cancelled Enroute: 1525
Total Calls: 16693
Lawrence Berkeley Lab

Structure Fires: 0
Other Fires: 2
EMS/Rescue: 18
Hazardous Conditions: 2
Service Calls: 5
Good Intent: 6
False Call: 43

Cancelled Enroute: 12
Total Calls: 88
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

Structure Fires: 16
Other Fires: 42
EMS/Rescue: 169
Hazardous Conditions: 27
Service Calls: 32
Good Intent: 26
False Call: 132

Cancelled Enroute: 130
Total Calls: 574

Structure Fires: 43
Other Fires: 72
EMS/Rescue: 2330
Hazardous Conditions: 72
Service Calls: 255
Good Intent: 132
False Call: 324

Cancelled Enroute: 195
Total Calls: 3423
Union City

Structure Fires: 57
Other Fires: 141
EMS/Rescue: 3736
Hazardous Conditions: 42
Service Calls: 366
Good Intent: 253
False Call: 376

Cancelled Enroute: 352
Total Calls: 5323
Structure Fires: 24
Other Fires: 36
EMS/Rescue: 1370
Hazardous Conditions: 26
Service Calls: 148
Good Intent: 110
False Call: 332
Cancelled Enroute: 290
Total Calls: 2336
Structure Fires: 508
Other Fires: 839
EMS/Rescue: 28782
Hazardous Conditions: 705
Service Calls: 3101
Good Intent: 2215
False Call: 2695
Cancelled Enroute: 3518
Total Calls: 42363

The Alameda County Fire Department participates in the NFIRS reporting system. The Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 authorizes the National Fire Data Center, which is part of the United States Fire Administration (USFA) to gather and analyze information on the magnitude of the nations fire problem, as well as its detailed characteristics and trends. In order to carry out the intentions of the Act, the National Fire Incident Reporting System. (NFIRS) was developed.

NFIRS has two objectives: to help State and local governments develop fire reporting and analysis capability for their own use, and to obtain data that can be used to more accurately assess and subsequently combat the fire problem at a national level. NFIRS is a standardized package that includes incident and casualty forms, and coding structure.

The NFIRS reporting format is based on the National Fire Protection association Standard 901, “Uniform Coding for Fire Protection”. The current version of NFIRS, version 5.0, was released in 1999. NFIRS 5.0 expands the collection of data beyond fires to include the full range of fire department activity on a national scale. It is a true all-incident reporting system.

The Department uses the Sunpro Records Management System (RMS) to write all of our incident reports. Sunpro is based on NFIRS and uses the same standard codes. All of our call information is automatically downloaded from the Dispatch Center CAD (computer aided dispatch) to the Sunpro system. Company officers then open the report and complete the narrative and any other information that is required.

On a quarterly basis all of our call information is forwarded to the California State Fire Marshall’s office, where the information is validated and then it is sent to the USFA.

The new Incident Response Summary Report has all call data taken from the Sunpro RMS and follows the NFIRS breakdown of call classification. The call breakdown is similar to the previous reports in that it shows fires, medicals, other emergencies and non-emergencies.

The Sunpro RMS is an industry standard and used nationwide. This also allows us to create standard reports for all of our customers we serve.

We feel this response time reporting format is superior to the existing quarterly reports. This format allows increased flexibility with Sunpro RMS as report data is entered and maintained by the ACFD. In addition this reporting format allows the Department to define the causes for deviations from the established response time standards. Previously data kept in the CAD was not easily available to ACFD personnel for analysis and lacked specific detail information. Using this format will allow for better accuracy between quarterly response time reports and reported work load indicators.





All building fires. Includes residential, commercial and industrial. These are full alarm responses.


Any other type fire. Includes cooking fires confined to container. Vehicle fires, grass and brush fires, outside trash, rubbish or waste material fires.


All medical responses, vehicle accidents with injuries, assist AMR with patients, motor vehicle versus pedestrian. Any rescue or extrication.


Non Fires, Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill. LPG or natural gas leak, oil or other combustible liquid spills. Heat from electrical short circuit, power line down, arcing, or shorted electrical equipment.


Lock-outs, water problems, water or steam leaks. Smoke or odor removal. Animal rescues. Public service assistance, assist Police Department or other government agency. Jewelry problems, lift assists, cover in and standby.


Cancelled in route, wrong location, controlled burn, barbeques, smoke or odor in the area.


False alarms, mechanical or malicious. System malfunctions or technician working on the system. Smoke, heat or CO detector accidental trip or mechanical failure.